
Discover the benefits and use cases of Ganacos at our customers

Stéphane H.
Stéphane H.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
Easy order scheduling ☺Multi-criteria management of the orders we have to deliver (available stock, desired delivery date, grouping of orders, particular information,...) ☹It is necessary to describe the need clearly and move forward jointly with the Ganacos team to have a tool adapted to the need. The changes of interlocutors at the beginning did not make the task easier for us.
Frederic G.
Frederic G.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
A pre-packaged S&OP solution that can be installed in less than 8 weeks Pleasant, efficient, visual, live during meetings, in support of the integrated medium and long term planning process Can be used on emerging or mature S&OP processes ☺- Ergonomics - Flexibility for users - Time dimension included by construction in all data - Ability to aggregate and disaggregate automatically and easily - Customisable screens - Rich and easy to use graphical possibilities - Support for broad collaboration and at the same time secure against misuse - Security +++ ☹- Flexibility can open the door to too much customisation if the project is not well framed - Not a weak point but a recommendation for attention: design the data model well at the beginning, otherwise performance surprises (don't hesitate to use the editor's expertise to audit/validate the model)
Sylvie L.
Sylvie L.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
Customised statistical forecasting tool ☺Develop forecasts based on key criteria, compare capacity, targets. Create own profile with desired indicators. ☹May seem daunting given the many features: support is very responsive
Christophe M.
Christophe M.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
Ganacos deployment - FP&A application The publisher's teams were very available to support us in the deployment of the software. ☺The flexibility of the tool, which allows for adaptation to the specific needs of the end user. The speed with which it is possible to deliver a first functional batch to the client: the definition of the architecture of the data tables, the import of MasterData and the definition of the first management rules is done in just a few days. Very modern cloud solution, recent technology and ergonomic user interfaces. ☹The software is only available in a SaaS version
Matthieu l.
Matthieu l.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
Showroomprivé.com x Ganacos The implementation of Ganacos was carried out in an agile, efficient and timely manner to improve S&OP management. The support provided by the Ganacos teams was greatly appreciated by the business teams. ☺The flexibility, ease of use and speed of implementation ☹No particular point to report to date
Magali D.
Magali D.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
Very good A lot of time! ☺Product completely adapted to our business/processes Intuitive ☹I can't think of any at the moment !!!!
Aude L.
Aude L.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
Ganacos - a platform to support our worldwide S&OP process We use Ganacos to support our worldwide S&OP process. Ganacos allows us to have a single plan, from demand to capacity to finance. Ganacos allows us to ensure the '1 set of data' principle. Extremely flexible and adaptable to the company's problems. Quite simple to implement, with developments carried out in agile mode. Ability to create scenarios. Very ergonomic tool for users. ☹Extremely flexible tool, so it is easy to create complexity. It is important to specify the need well. Data quality is important. Important to have a knowledgeable administrator to ensure 1st level corrections.
Stéphanie C.
Stéphanie C.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the notice is Capterra.
GANACOS Ganacos helps us on a daily basis to bring together all the company data and to quickly get all the supply chain calculations needed for our S&OP process. Everything is gathered in one place. We avoid the proliferation of Excel files. It is our S&OP tool, it supports our monthly cycles/meetings and allows us to align everyone with the figures (saving time and energy). ☺very agile and responsive software. Easy to use when everything is well set up. ☹for me, the most "difficult" thing is to understand the paths / links between the tables.

International industrial group

(Turnover >300 M€ - 10 plants - 1000 SKUs)

Reconcile data from the different systems used

Develop sales forecasts for the next few months for each key area and compare with targets

Calculate indicators of forecast reliability (bias, forecast accuracy) in relation to actual sales

As part of the S&OP process, Ganacos has implemented a collaborative statistical demand forecasting tool.

Agricultural cooperative

(Turnover >400 M€)

Work simultaneously and calculate the impact on product stocks

Prioritise delivery requests taking into account transport constraints

Take into account postponements of deliveries by customers

Ganacos provides a solution for scheduling and prioritising farmers' orders.

Industrial player in the food industry

(Turnover >400M€ - 20 plants - 1000 SKUs)

Enable collaborative entry of sales forecasts

Calculate raw material purchase volumes from forecast sales volumes

Ensuring the load/capacity balance on the capacities of the different production sites

Ganacos provides a management solution for the supply chain in connection with the S&OP process.

Retail and Specialised Distribution

(Turnover >40 M€ - 15 shops)

Fill in all the values of the operating account by shop and by department each month

Monitor achievements during the year and compare them with the budget

Ganacos is used for collaborative budgeting and monitoring.

Information technology player

(turnover NC, international group)

HR planning management with payroll calculation

Implementation of the budget

Decision support for quarterly reforecasts

Ganacos offers a financial and budgetary management tool to drive business growth.

Partner integrator specialised in supply chain

(International consulting firm)

Deployment of Ganacos for the implementation of an S&OP process

Agile deployment of the solution (delivery by functional batch)

S&OP with Ganacos: simplicity, integration, variability management, volumes, values, etc. Everything is there, even the ergonomics.


Our customers liked

"The simplicity of the interface"

Each user can create the application that corresponds to his or her business process independently. In this way, all of the company's data flows are traced and unified within a single planning platform.

"Managing levels of alerts".

The setting of different levels of alerts allows you to focus on the major deviations.

"Data traceability

Ganacos has a change archive. It is possible at any time to revert to a past change in two ways: either by deleting a single change, or by deleting all changes up to a given event.

"What-If Scenarios" management

The user can create and analyse different scenarios with the possibility to merge them.

"Modification of data at any level of aggregation".

Different disaggregation rules can be configured: equi-repartition, distribution according to history, distribution according to a specific rule. 

"The history of all collaborative entries

With one click on a cell, you can see all its modifications: which modifications were made, when and by whom.

"Filter management".

The user can save and share his filter sets, so he can switch from one activity area to another in one click.